Wednesday, March 31, 2010



I live in Warwick Rhode Island and were totally destroyed by the floods... I am going to call the Red Cross to Volunteer and maybe take in a family... We Need Help Here....

This Link will allow you to donate DIRECTLY to Rhode Island...

Thanks Everyone!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

5 Diet Myths

I Loved this cool video, some interesting facts....

Monday, March 29, 2010

Shakes any one?

I Want To Help:
Hey guys... I am selling the products im on... If anyone is interested in trying them with their weight loss journey...i garauntee that youll love the stuff..ether email me or comment me and ill get you information!!!

Down 45 pounds and 51 inches!!!!!


Friday, March 19, 2010

And The Winner Is?......

I won the Weight Loss Challenge...

Week 10: 276 (Down 7lbs.)
I did it, i lost enough weight to pull out the win, i had some stiff competition too... Marsha Marsha Marsha.....she almost got me... Next challenge, I Know for a fact she is going to do what she can to beat me!!!! The Next Challenge starts April 1st, if you are interested in doing the challenge comment me with your email. I will send you the appropriate info. You get a free, Yes Free body analysis and weight loss planning. Then you are on your way....

I loved the whole class idea, I was held accountable for every decision i made... I NEEDED THAT!
Char , my coach, Was amazing i coulndt have done it with out her....With out her i dont think i would have lost more than 10 lbs. Its not Weight Watchers, there is no point system, if you cheat its on you. ITS YOUR CALL.... thats why i loved it... I LOST THE WEIGHT I CHOSE THE FOOD, I DID THE EXERCISE, I DID THE WORK.

OKAY so i am currently down 45 pounds, i missed my goal by 5 lbs. but thats okay i am 45 lbs. lighter than 2 months ago!!!!!

i am going to focus on improving... i want to improve my exercise, improve my choices, improve my attitude, and of course looks.... lol

I am setting a Weight Loss Goal of 30 Lbs. Its attainable, and still challenging....For all yall out there, set a goal that is reachable. Dont put that pressure on yourself, your setting yourself up for Failure...

READERS: Post before and after pictures of yourself on my blog, inspire somebody its an amazing feeling to know you started a change in someone else, i have and i love it... YOU BETTER PULL THROUGH FOR ME CL... ya you know who you are... lol

Next Post i will post my inches.... and other good stuff to show the change in me..yes its embarrasing but hey you have to start somewhere.......

Thanks everyone for the support, email me, or post something if you have any questions...nothing is off limits...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Ok so it is the final week of Challenge 1:
And i need a big number, and I am trying do a "CLEANSE" on day 1 i only drink 2 gallons of this aloe and fruit concentrate mixture, tomorrow Day 2 i am doing 5 protein shakes, and Day 3 I will have 3 Protein Shakes and a very Healthy Meal....
Hopefully i will lose between 3-10 lbs. that is the average weight loss after doing LA BOMBA....
I am almost down 40 pounds and I love everyones expressions when they see me, if its been a while... WOW sean you look look good, looking Sexy lol I cant wait till i see it!!!
I am doing the Challenge again which begins in 2 weeks, I think my goal will be 25 pounds... so I should look pretty dern good. I cant wait till THURSDAY!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Cheater Cheater PIZZA Eater!!!!!

Week 9: 283 Lbs (Down 3 lbs)
Okay so i had pizza on thursday and chicken wings, lets talk about delish...but detrimental!!!

I had to work out extra just to burn of one meal. I OFFICIALLY HAVE MADE IT! This is the lightest i have weighed since i was 12, 13. Im 283 almost at my 50 lb goal. imma have to buckel up buttercup this week and pull double digits!!! IM LOSONG 50 lbs...Dangit!! haha

i feel great, i look, i think, great! i feel like im no longer fat, im now thick lol!!!!!

What should i put on here to assist everyone, food log, workout log? LET ME KNOW

Check me out on facebook.... Sean Reaves!!!

THINKING THIN...12 lbs!!!! wish me luck

Thursday, March 4, 2010

1 Pound...

OKAY like i said in the previous post, I have never been under 285 in like years.... I weighed in today and lost 6.5 lbs. ALOT i know, but if i could have lost 7.5, i would be 285. TIED... but im not.. And im ok with this... I WILL GET it next week!

Week 8: 286 (down 6.5 Lbs.)
I LOVE ZUMBA, if yall know bout it, you know what im talking about. Latin Dancing plus Intense Cardio = SWEATIE MESS!!! 

I am currently down 35 pounds, in 8 weeks!!!!! This is crazy amazing for me!!! I never thought I could do this!!!! But i did...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whats the Difference????

What is different this time?
I played Volleyball in high school, i played all the intramural in college, now 4 years out of college, I am losing weight...

I went to college weighing 425, and came out my Junior Year weighing 285. So that's 140 lbs. Most people don't believe i weighed that much, I KNEW that's all that mattered.

Weird thing, I was unhappy with my body, but i didn't let it hold me back...THANK GOD...or I would have been a Mess.
I lost all that weight in college by, Not really eating and playing tons of sports, My day was so packed, i would not have breakfast, then go to class, Sneak a lunch in (eating a peperoni sandwich, and random junk), but i would work out/exercise all day and night. I was sooo thin, but i didn't feel as healthy as I Should have.


I am on a plan...a!
I love competition, and I need to be held accountable for my actions, So I joined a weight loss challenge here in Rhode island. Each week, we do our best eating well, exercise, and then show up for class. I love this, I love to held responsible for my actions.

My Diet:
Fresh Fresh Fresh....
I'm loven my veggies and fruits all of a sudden. I learned to eat salad, and fresh veggies. I am taking Herbalife products to assist in my weight loss goal. I use the formula 1 shakes to get protein...( OH I FORGOT TO MENTION, MY DIET IS PROTEIN PACKED), i use the cell loss and 21 day cleanse to keep me going lol ;) I also drink this aloe stuff, which is amazing I LOVE IT...

The products are NOT free, but i think to myself, I Spend 30 to 50 bucks a week on the products, but i used to spend 10 dollars a day at Chellos, thats like 70 bucks a week just for lunch at work... GROSS HUH, i rather spend money to get me healthy...
I feel like this time im doing it right i feel fit, and i feel lighter, even though i have been thinner...Weird

why do i want to do this?
I Want to shop at Macy's, DKNY, Eddie Bauer, Nordstroms, GAP, and A&F...NOT JUST BIG AND TALL...

I want to be fit, and kick butt at all the sports i play at.

I want people to notice me, in a positive way.

I want to MEET


So if your starting, currently, or thinking of losing weight, i hope my blog helps a little, or at least lets you know your not alone out there...

Monday, March 1, 2010

I love this Website....

Here is a website i am looking at to see how I can improve my work outs...

Come back friday to see if i can hit thirty...

Okay so if you

I might beable to pass my lightest weight i have ever been while dieting. The lightes i have ever weighed has been 285, That was Junior Year of College and I was crazy into exersice and eating healthy, but as we can see i put on almost 40 LBS since 2008.

Maybe More....

i had to throw a ton of clothes away, if you all know anyone who might need 3xl shirts and stuff let me know. I am giving them to the Big Brothers/Sisters, but pick up isnt for another Month...

Let ME know

Thinking thin!!!