Monday, February 22, 2010


Mid Week 7:

So i feel amazing, took some pictures to see my transformation and I can see a difference. I have been busting my butt for a great weightloss this week.

People are beginning to notice:

I have had many customers say "WOW, Sean you look good, you lose weight?" I love that. My friends are noticing, the gym workers have noticed. My sister hasnt been home for a while and She saw me for the first time since the challenge began. She was very excited for me. AND!!!!!!!!! if you know me you know i love to buy clothes..."SHOP", she callenged me, if i lose a total of 50 lbs, she will buy me a new $500 wordrobe... I feel bad for her, im half way there!! HAHAHA, hopefully she has a big return from her taxes cause $500 will be mine!!! HAHAHAHA

Went grocery shopping today, HOLY BILL!!! Like $200, but i think about it, $200 for great healthy food, instead of $15 for wendys, $25 for Pizza hut, $30 for TGI Fridays, and thats only 3 days of food! so i think its about the same....

My poor mom wants Mac n Cheese, Apple Pie, Lasange, and Pizza, but she doesnt want to tempt me, so she passes on her cravings, BUT!!!!!!!!!! I found a bag of potato chips (my fav) under the pots and pans, LOL, i could smell it!!! So i know she isnt Starving!!!

Weight Loss Quote:
Dieting is the penalty for eating over the FEED limit!!!

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